| Open Directory Data Archive - about - archive
NameLast modifiedSize
[DIR]Hack This Zine/2020-10-25 13:39 -
[DIR]UNIX/2020-10-25 13:39 -
[DIR]Algorithm/2021-07-11 20:49 -
[DIR]Programming Languages/2021-07-11 21:44 -
[DIR]Games/2023-01-14 17:03 -
[DIR]Kurmancî - Kurdish/2023-01-14 17:05 -
[DIR]Zines/2023-01-14 19:28 -
[DIR]Philosophy/2023-01-14 19:59 -
[DIR]Cryptography/2023-01-15 20:08 -
[DIR]other/2023-01-16 08:16 -
[DIR]GNU Linux - Unix-Like/2023-01-16 15:27 -
[DIR]TCP IP - Network/2023-01-16 15:40 -
[DIR]Against Security - Self Security/2023-01-16 15:52 -
[DIR]Türkçe - Turkish/2023-02-17 23:12 -
[pdf]A Hacker's Manifesto.pdf2020-02-29 23:33 61K
[pdf]Bu Kitabı Çalın 1.pdf2020-02-29 23:33 1.3M
[pdf]Bu Kitabı Çalın 2.pdf2020-02-29 23:33 1.6M
[pdf]Computer Security.pdf2020-02-29 23:33 15M
[pdf]Gerilla Açık Erişim Manifestosu - Aaron Swartz.pdf2020-02-29 23:33 58K
[pdf]The Anarcho Hacker Manifesto (2018) v.2.pdf2020-02-29 23:33 434K
[   ]UPDATING2020-02-29 23:33 0
[   ]anarchism_15.3-3_all.deb2020-09-23 15:27 6.6M
[pdf]An Anarchist's Guide to Free Software.pdf2020-09-28 21:37 318K
[pdf]Privacy Enhancing Technologies.pdf2020-09-28 21:37 6.7M
[pdf]The Radical GNU vol. 1.pdf2020-09-28 21:37 5.0M
[   ]fortune-anarchism_1.2-2_all.deb2021-01-26 03:15 28K
[pdf]A Hacker Manifesto - McKenzie Wark.pdf2022-05-24 09:40 519K
[   ]TODO2023-01-13 22:14 40
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