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URL: https://joonas.fi/2021/08/saml-is-insecure-by-design/ More: https://mattermost.com/blog/securing-xml-implementations-across-the-web/ Description: SAML is insecure by design. ' ╦ ╦┌─┐┌─┐┬┌─ ' ╠═╣├─┤│ ├┴┐ ' ╩ ╩┴ ┴└─┘┴ ┴ ' Some Kung Fu Techniques. URL: https://github.com/phath0m/JadedWraith Description: Light-weight UNIX backdoor. URL: https://github.com/bkerler/mtkclient Description: Inofficial MTK reverse engineering and flash tool. URL: https://github.com/xRET2pwn/PickleC2 Description: PickleC2 is a post-exploitation and lateral movements framework. URL: https://github.com/zcgonvh/EfsPotato Description: EfsPotato (MS-EFSR EfsRpcOpenFileRaw w/ SeImpersonatePrivilege LPE). URL: https://github.com/GhostPack/ForgeCert Description: Certified Pre-Owned - Abusing Active Directory Certificate Services. URL: https://github.com/grahamhelton/spoofpoint Description: Spoofpoint is a domain monitoring tool to verify spoof opportunities. URL: https://klezvirus.github.io/RedTeaming/AV_Evasion/CodeExeNewDotNet/ Description: The path to code execution in the era of EDR, Next-Gen AVs, and AMSI. URL: https://github.com/freeide/CVE-2021-2394 Description: Oracle WebLogic Server Core Remote Code Execution PoC (CVE-2021-2394). URL: https://github.com/tokyoneon/CredPhish Description: PS designed to invoke legitimate credential prompts and exfil over DNS. URL: https://github.com/sensepost/assless-chaps Description: Crack MSCHAPv2 challenge/responses quickly using a database of NT hashes. URL: https://github.com/Flangvik/DeployPrinterNightmare Description: Shared network printer to abuse the PrinterNightmare bug (Easy Privesc!). URL: https://github.com/tnpitsecurity/ligolo-ng Description: An advanced, yet simple, tunneling/pivoting tool that uses a TUN interface. ' ╔═╗┌─┐┌─┐┬ ┬┬─┐┬┌┬┐┬ ┬ ' ╚═╗├┤ │ │ │├┬┘│ │ └┬┘ ' ╚═╝└─┘└─┘└─┘┴└─┴ ┴ ┴ ' All about security issues. URL: https://www.secjuice.com/python-re-match-bypass-technique/ Description: A Python Regular Expression Bypass Technique. URL: https://blog.ret2.io/2021/08/04/snapcraft-injection/ Description: Exploiting Ubuntu's Snapcraft Apps with CVE-2020-27348. URL: https://link.medium.com/UYmSpVJ7qib Description: Escaping from a truly air gapped network via Apple AWDL. URL: https://bit.ly/3A5x4fw (+) More: https://bit.ly/3ip4mQA (+) Description: Hacking the dlink DIR-615 for fun and no profit (Series). URL: https://labs.taszk.io/blog/post/bootrom_usb/ Description: Huawei Buffer Overflow in BootROM USB Stack (CVE-2021-22429). URL: https://www.graplsecurity.com/post/kernel-pwning-with-ebpf-a-love-story Description: Kernel Pwning with eBPF - a Love Story. URL: https://blog.chichou.me/2021/08/04/mistuned-part-i/ More: https://blog.chichou.me/2021/08/05/mistuned-part-ii/ Description: Client-side XSS to Calculator and More (CVE-2021-1748/CVE-2021-1864). URL: https://dirkjanm.io/ntlm-relaying-to-ad-certificate-services/ Tool: https://github.com/dirkjanm/PKINITtools Description: NTLM relaying to AD CS - On certificates, printers and a little hippo. URL: https://haxolot.com/posts/2021/manageengine_opmanager_pre_auth_rce/ Description: Pre-Auth RCE in ManageEngine OPManager (CVE-2020-28653/CVE-2021-3287). URL: https://blog.azuki.vip/csrf/ Related: https://simonwillison.net/2021/Aug/3/samesite/ Description: How to boost your popularity on OkCupid using CSRF and a JSON type confusion. URL: https://link.medium.com/EvlKxCJaqib Description: Bypassing Auth on Arcadyan Routers w/ CVE-2021-20090 and rooting some Buffalo. URL: https://bit.ly/3lAg1y0 (+) More: https://bit.ly/3CdWARH (+) Description: Attempting to Bypass the AngularJS Sandbox from a DOM-Based Context in 1.5.9-11. ' ╔═╗┬ ┬┌┐┌ ' ╠╣ │ ││││ ' ╚ └─┘┘└┘ ' Spare time? URL: https://windows96.net/ Blog: https://blog.racket.com/the-windows-96-story/ Description: Windows of the ’90’s in the browser URL: https://spritesmods.com/?art=hddhack&page=1 Description: Hard disk hacking. URL: https://github.com/samueldr/linux-3ds.nix Description: A Linux system for your 3DS, built with Nix. ' ╔═╗┬─┐┌─┐┌┬┐┬┌┬┐┌─┐ ' ║ ├┬┘├┤ │││ │ └─┐ ' ╚═╝┴└─└─┘─┴┘┴ ┴ └─┘ ' Content Helpers (0x) 52656e61746f20526f64726967756573202d204073696d7073306e202d2068747470733a2f2f706174686f6e70726f6a6563742e636f6d https://pathonproject.com/zb/?da0fdd7f7fd0d09c#bod4fYcp6Zbxi3iRKuTDAGQgWNFHbJ/JwPjWjd/Veaw=