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URL: https://ysamm.com/?p=646 Description: Facebook account takeover due bypass of allowed callback URLs in OAuth flow. ' ╦ ╦┌─┐┌─┐┬┌─ ' ╠═╣├─┤│ ├┴┐ ' ╩ ╩┴ ┴└─┘┴ ┴ ' Some Kung Fu Techniques. URL: https://github.com/sepinf-inc/IPED Description: IPED Digital Forensic Tool. URL: https://github.com/denandz/fuzzotron Description: A TCP/UDP based network daemon fuzzer. URL: https://github.com/threatexpress/random_c2_profile Description: Cobalt Strike random C2 Profile generator. URL: https://github.com/Checkmarx/kics Description: Keeping Infrastructure as Code Secure (KICS). URL: https://blog.dixitaditya.com/hacking-a-chrome-extension/ Description: Hacking a Chrome Extension for Fun and Profit. URL: https://github.com/knavesec/CredMaster Description: Refactored & improved CredKing password spraying tool. URL: https://github.com/assetnote/kiterunner Blog: https://blog.assetnote.io/2021/04/05/contextual-content-discovery/ Description: Contextual Content Discovery Tool. URL: https://github.com/androidmalware/android_hid Description: Use Android as Rubber Ducky against another Android device. URL: https://github.com/deepfence/SecretScanner Description: Find secrets and passwords in container images and file systems. URL: https://github.com/litneet64/etherblob-explorer Description: Search and extract blob files on the Ethereum Blockchain network. URL: https://offsec.almond.consulting/java-tls-intercept.html Description: Intercept mutually-authenticated TLS communications of a Java thick client. URL: https://github.com/doronz88/harlogger Description: Tool to sniff and decrypt HTTP/HTTPS on a jailbroken iOS into an HAR format. ' ╔═╗┌─┐┌─┐┬ ┬┬─┐┬┌┬┐┬ ┬ ' ╚═╗├┤ │ │ │├┬┘│ │ └┬┘ ' ╚═╝└─┘└─┘└─┘┴└─┴ ┴ ┴ ' All about security issues. URL: https://swarm.ptsecurity.com/rce-cockpit-cms/ Description: From 0 to RCE - Cockpit CMS. URL: https://leethax0.rs/2021/04/ElectricChrome/ Description: Electric Chrome - CVE-2020-6418 on Tesla Model 3. URL: https://positive.security/blog/url-open-rce Description: Allow arbitrary URLs, expect arbitrary code execution. URL: https://sensepost.com/blog/2021/duo-two-factor-authentication-bypass/ Description: Duo Two-factor Authentication Bypass. URL: https://voidsec.com/exploiting-system-mechanic-driver/ Description: Exploiting System Mechanic Driver (Windows Drivers Research). URL: https://thinkloveshare.com/en/hacking/ssrf_to_rce_with_jolokia_and_mbeans/ Description: SSRF to RCE with Jolokia and MBeans. URL: http://noahblog.360.cn/chromium_v8_remote_code_execution_vulnerability_analysis/ Description: Chromium V8 JavaScript engine RCE vulnerability analysis discussion. URL: http://bit.ly/2DCUGy1 (+) Description: Security Best Practices - Symmetric Encryption with AES in Java and Android. URL: https://bit.ly/3dk8LSw (+) Description: Reverse engineering Emotet – Our approach to protect GRNET against the trojan. URL: https://www.riscure.com/blog/samsung-investigation-part1 More: https://www.riscure.com/blog/samsung-investigation-part2 (/samsung-investigation-part3) Description: Breaking TEE Security Series. URL: https://census-labs.com/news/2021/04/14/whatsapp-mitd-remote-exploitation-CVE-2021-24027/ Description: Remote exploitation of a man-in-the-disk vulnerability in WhatsApp (CVE-2021-24027). URL: https://bit.ly/3e55J3D (+) PoC: https://github.com/0vercl0k/CVE-2021-24086 Description: Reverse-engineering tcpip.sys - Mechanics of a packet of the death (CVE-2021-24086). ' ╔═╗┬ ┬┌┐┌ ' ╠╣ │ ││││ ' ╚ └─┘┘└┘ ' Spare time? URL: https://tonsky.me/blog/font-size/ Description: Font size is useless; let’s fix it. URL: https://github.com/captbaritone/webamp Description: Winamp 2 reimplemented for the browser. URL: https://github.com/mortbopet/Ripes Description: A graphical processor simulator and assembly editor for the RISC-V ISA. ' ╔═╗┬─┐┌─┐┌┬┐┬┌┬┐┌─┐ ' ║ ├┬┘├┤ │││ │ └─┐ ' ╚═╝┴└─└─┘─┴┘┴ ┴ └─┘ ' Content Helpers (0x) 52656e61746f20526f64726967756573202d204073696d7073306e202d2068747470733a2f2f706174686f6e70726f6a6563742e636f6d https://pathonproject.com/zb/?53338fefd2bc09d3#LEJNCXfa0QSQhyGHwcZzLDThRZj/+yRZRgimu32agwU=