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URL: https://portswigger.net/research/redefining-impossible-xss-without-arbitrary-javascript Description: Redefining Impossible - XSS without arbitrary JavaScript. ' ╦ ╦┌─┐┌─┐┬┌─ ' ╠═╣├─┤│ ├┴┐ ' ╩ ╩┴ ┴└─┘┴ ┴ ' Some Kung Fu Techniques. URL: https://github.com/CERT-Polska/hfinger Description: Hfinger - fingerprinting HTTP requests. URL: https://github.com/gellin/bantam Description: A PHP backdoor management and generation tool. URL: https://github.com/BitTheByte/Monitorizer Description: The ultimate subdomain monitorization framework. URL: https://rev.ng/blog/fuzzing/post.html Description: Fuzzing binaries with LLVM's libFuzzer and rev.ng. URL: https://github.com/siemens/fluffi Description: A distributed evolutionary binary fuzzer for pentesters. URL: https://theevilbit.github.io/shield/ Description: Shield - An app to protect against process injection on macOS. URL: https://github.com/blackarrowsec/wappy Description: Discover web technologies in web applications from your terminal. URL: https://github.com/r3nhat/GRAT2 Description: We developed GRAT2 Command & Control (C2) project for learning purpose. URL: https://github.com/httptoolkit/httptoolkit Description: Open-source tool with one-click MitM, inspecting & rewriting of HTTP(S). URL: https://github.com/DOWRIGHTTV/dnxfirewall Description: Pure Python next generation firewall built on top of Linux kernel/netfilter. URL: https://github.com/dwisiswant0/go-stare Description: Fast&light web screenshot w/out headless browser but Chrome DevTools Protocol! URL: https://github.com/hackerschoice/gsocket Description: Global Socket. Moving data from here to there. Securely, Fast and trough NAT/FW. ' ╔═╗┌─┐┌─┐┬ ┬┬─┐┬┌┬┐┬ ┬ ' ╚═╗├┤ │ │ │├┬┘│ │ └┬┘ ' ╚═╝└─┘└─┘└─┘┴└─┴ ┴ ┴ ' All about security issues. URL: https://dozer.nz/posts/aruba-clearpass-rce Description: Aruba Clearpass RCE (CVE-2020-7115). URL: https://bit.ly/2Hlqong (+) Description: How I bypassed Cloudflare's SQL Injection filter. URL: https://gist.github.com/CTurt/a00fb4164e13342567830b052aaed94b Description: FreeBSD UDF driver info leak. URL: https://link.medium.com/rNSUIOuRV9 Description: One Part Steganography, Four Redirectors, and a Splash of C2! URL: https://link.medium.com/WGg3hjUk19 Description: Combining Hadoop and MCollective for total network compromise. URL: https://ti.dbappsecurity.com.cn/blog/index.php/2020/09/18/cve-2020-0968/ Description: Detailed Analysis of the JScript Vulnerability (CVE-2020-0968). URL: https://www.trustedsec.com/blog/macos-injection-via-third-party-frameworks/ Description: MacOS Injection via Third-Party Frameworks. URL: https://cybergibbons.com/reverse-engineering-2/brute-forcing-device-passwords/ Description: Brute forcing device passwords. URL: https://rhinosecuritylabs.com/gcp/privilege-escalation-google-cloud-platform-part-1/ More: https://bit.ly/2Eu3Dwo (+) Description: Privilege Escalation in Google Cloud Platform. URL: https://blog.sonarsource.com/pandora-fms-742-critical-code-vulnerabilities-explained Description: Pandora FMS 742 - Critical Code Vulnerabilities Explained. URL: https://labs.ioactive.com/2020/09/no-buffers-harmed-rooting-sierra.html Description: No buffers harmed - Rooting Sierra Wireless AirLink devices through logic bugs. URL: https://raelize.com/posts/espressif-esp32-bypassing-encrypted-secure-boot-cve-2020-13629/ Description: Espressif ESP32 - Bypassing Encrypted Secure Boot (CVE-2020-13629). ' ╔═╗┬ ┬┌┐┌ ' ╠╣ │ ││││ ' ╚ └─┘┘└┘ ' Spare time? URL: https://github.com/xyzzy/qrpicture Description: Photo realistic QR codes. URL: http://jhurani.com/networking/2017/10/15/smurf-the-legend.html Description: smurf.c - The first DDoS attack tool (20th Anniversary). URL: https://syfuhs.net/what-happens-when-you-type-your-password-into-windows Description: What Happens When you Type Your Password into Windows? ' ╔═╗┬─┐┌─┐┌┬┐┬┌┬┐┌─┐ ' ║ ├┬┘├┤ │││ │ └─┐ ' ╚═╝┴└─└─┘─┴┘┴ ┴ └─┘ ' Content Helpers (0x) 52656e61746f20526f64726967756573202d204073696d7073306e202d2068747470733a2f2f706174686f6e70726f6a6563742e636f6d https://pathonproject.com/zb/?cd330e1891519f47#eDA5XPrPzh5DS6Fjqfw/7SRdFzDjj9EtOqmNUOS0K6s=