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URL: https://payatu.com/blog/nikhil-mittal/my-hacking-adventures-with-safari-reader-mode Description: My Hacking Adventures With Safari Reader Mode. ' ╦ ╦┌─┐┌─┐┬┌─ ' ╠═╣├─┤│ ├┴┐ ' ╩ ╩┴ ┴└─┘┴ ┴ ' Some Kung Fu Techniques. URL: https://github.com/paralax/awesome-honeypots Description: An awesome list of honeypot resources. URL: https://swarm.ptsecurity.com/ida-pro-tips/ Description: IDA Pro Tips to Add to Your Bag of Tricks. URL: https://github.com/veggiedefender/browsertunnel Description: Surreptitiously exfiltrate data from the browser over DNS. URL: https://github.com/DerekSelander/yacd Description: Decrypts FairPlay applications on iOS 13.4.1 and lower, no JB required. URL: https://github.com/AmyangXYZ/AssassinGo Description: An extensible and concurrency pentest framework in Go, also with WebGUI. URL: https://github.com/jellever/StreamDivert Blog: https://bit.ly/3iiUdCG (+) Description: Redirecting (specific) TCP, UDP and ICMP traffic to another destination. URL: https://github.com/aaaguirrep/offensive-docker-vps Description: Create a VPS on GCP or Digital Ocean easily with Offensive Docker included. URL: https://github.com/jsoverson/hackium Blog: https://medium.com/@jsoverson/introducing-hackium-723790c00d03 Description: CLI tool, a browser, and a platform for analyzing and manipulating web sites. URL: https://github.com/redballoonshenanigans/monitordarkly Description: Poc, Presentation of Monitor OSD Exploitation, and shenanigans of high quality. URL: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S4jU7knBG_Km_AdHXf8JyE8zl0SOxQ9VvYFPanQy1g8/preview Description: Lock screen/Bitlocker bypass/elevation of privilege in Bitlocker. URL: https://github.com/corneliusweig/rakkess Description: Review Access - Kubectl plugin to show an access matrix for k8s server resources. URL: https://github.com/iknowjason/PurpleCloud Description: An Infrastructure as Code (IaC) deployment of a small Active Directory pentest lab. ' ╔═╗┌─┐┌─┐┬ ┬┬─┐┬┌┬┐┬ ┬ ' ╚═╗├┤ │ │ │├┬┘│ │ └┬┘ ' ╚═╝└─┘└─┘└─┘┴└─┴ ┴ ┴ ' All about security issues. URL: https://bit.ly/3bSrF0w (+) More: https://bit.ly/2Zptpcl (+) | https://bit.ly/3hg0hus (+) Description: ARM64 Reversing and Exploitation Series. URL: https://www.randorisec.fr/activid-vulnerabilities/ Description: HID ActivID Mobile Soft Token Vulnerabilities. URL: https://blog.benjojo.co.uk/post/ip-over-fibre-channel-hack Description: Hacking Ethernet out of Fibre Channel cards. URL: https://github.com/veracode-research/spring-view-manipulation/ Description: Spring View Manipulation Vulnerability. URL: https://confused.ai/posts/intercepting-zoom-tls-encryption-bpf-uprobes Description: Intercepting Zoom's encrypted data with BPF. URL: https://www.mnemonic.no/blog/abusing-dynamic-groups-in-azure/ Description: Abusing dynamic groups in Azure AD for privilege escalation. URL: https://www.hackersforchange.com/post/maltego-cve-2020-24656-analysis Description: Maltego CVE-2020-24656 Analysis. URL: https://labs.ioactive.com/2020/09/breaking-electronic-baggage-tags.html Description: Breaking Electronic Baggage Tags - Lufthansa vs British Airways. URL: https://www.ezequiel.tech/2020/08/leaking-google-cloud-projects.html Description: Auth bypass - Leaking Google Cloud service accounts and projects. URL: https://www.gosecure.net/blog/2020/09/03/wsus-attacks-part-1-introducing-pywsus/ More: https://bit.ly/3k5igFM (+) Description: WSUS Attacks Series - (CVE-2020-1013). URL: https://www.0x90.zone/binary/reverse/exploitation/2020/08/16/CoreFTPServerRCE.html Description: Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution/DoS on CoreFTP Server. URL: https://bit.ly/3hiXxw4 (+) Description: Abusing Shared Mem. to LPE on the Schneider E. Modbus Serial Driver (CVE-2020-7523). ' ╔═╗┬ ┬┌┐┌ ' ╠╣ │ ││││ ' ╚ └─┘┘└┘ ' Spare time? URL: https://skins.webamp.org/ Description: Winamp Skin Museum. URL: https://dylanpindur.com/blog/padding-oracles-an-animated-primer/ Description: Padding Oracles - An Animated Primer. URL: https://telescope.ac/petazzoni/the-hash-monster-esp32-tamagotchi-for-wifi-cracking Description: The Hash Monster - ESP32 Tamagotchi For WiFi Cracking. ' ╔═╗┬─┐┌─┐┌┬┐┬┌┬┐┌─┐ ' ║ ├┬┘├┤ │││ │ └─┐ ' ╚═╝┴└─└─┘─┴┘┴ ┴ └─┘ ' Content Helpers (0x) 52656e61746f20526f64726967756573202d204073696d7073306e202d2068747470733a2f2f706174686f6e70726f6a6563742e636f6d https://pathonproject.com/zb/?b799454db1344e36#Mq9KhHFDwsCkR6MOh+BLKld6sYXwGyxb25z6DVauug8=