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' ╦ ╦┌─┐┌─┐┬┌─ ' ╠═╣├─┤│ ├┴┐ ' ╩ ╩┴ ┴└─┘┴ ┴ ' Some Kung Fu Techniques. URL: https://github.com/countercept/RemotePSpy Blog: http://bit.ly/2DKEkTR (+) Description: Remote PowerShell Visibility for Older Versions. URL: https://github.com/wiglenet/wigle-wifi-wardriving Description: Nethugging client for Android, from wigle.net. URL: https://github.com/sap/vulnerability-assessment-tool/ Description: Vulnerability scanner for Java and Python by SAP. URL: https://github.com/vincentcox/bypass-firewalls-by-DNS-history Description: Firewall bypass script based on DNS history records. URL: https://gist.github.com/sarazasasa/9450d63f96e7ff799824fc98fc7f3b43 Description: Some issues with GitHub Forks. URL: https://egre55.github.io/system-properties-uac-bypass/ Description: UAC Bypass via SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe and DLL Hijacking. URL: https://github.com/stigtsp/CVE-2019-6690-python-gnupg-vulnerability Description: Improper Input Validation in python-gnupg 0.4.3 (CVE-2019-6690). URL: https://github.com/fcavallarin/htcrawl Blog: https://htcrawl.org/ Description: Tool to recursive crawling of single page applications (SPA) using JS. URL: https://gist.github.com/3xocyte/0dc0bd4cb48cc7b4075bdc90a1ccc7d3 Description: PoC MSSQL RCE exploit using Resource-Based Constrained Delegation. URL: https://github.com/Shimmur/shipspotter Description: Tool for tunneling a port forward into remote Docker containers over SSH. URL: https://github.com/NotMedic/NetNTLMtoSilverTicket Description: SpoolSample -> Responder -> NetNTLMv1 -> NTLM -> Kerberos Silver Ticket. URL: https://insert-script.blogspot.com/2019/01/adobe-reader-pdf-callback-via-xslt.html Description: Adobe Reader - PDF callback via XSLT stylesheet in XFA. ' ╔═╗┌─┐┌─┐┬ ┬┬─┐┬┌┬┐┬ ┬ ' ╚═╗├┤ │ │ │├┬┘│ │ └┬┘ ' ╚═╝└─┘└─┘└─┘┴└─┴ ┴ ┴ ' All about security issues. URL: https://engineering.linecorp.com/en/blog/air-go-apk-signing/ Description: AIR GO and APK Signing. URL: https://www.contextis.com/en/blog/basic-electron-framework-exploitation PoC: https://github.com/ctxis/beemka Description: Basic Electron Framework Exploitation. URL: https://lab.wallarm.com/xxe-that-can-bypass-waf-protection-98f679452ce0 Description: XXE that can Bypass WAF Protection. URL: http://bit.ly/2sYgLQY (+) Description: Learning about Universal Links and Fuzzing URL Schemes on iOS with Frida. URL: https://www.adyta.pt/en/2019/01/29/writeup-samsung-app-store-rce-via-mitm-2/ Description: Writeup – Samsung Galaxy Apps Store RCE via MITM (CVE-2018-20135). URL: https://shenaniganslabs.io/2019/01/28/Wagging-the-Dog.html Description: Abusing Resource-Based Constrained Delegation to Attack Active Directory. URL: http://bit.ly/2DLSrIl (+) Description: A Simple CORS Misconfig Leaked Private Post Of Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. URL: https://blog.scrt.ch/2019/01/24/magento-rce-local-file-read-with-low-privilege-admin-rights/ Description: Magento – RCE & Local File Read with low privilege admin rights URL: https://alsid.com/company/news/abusing-s4u2self-another-sneaky-active-directory-persistence Description: Abusing S4U2Self - Another Sneaky Active Directory Persistence. URL: http://bit.ly/2sYg76j (+) Description: IE Scripting Flaw Still a Threat to Unpatched Systems - Analyzing (CVE-2018-8653). URL: https://medium.com/tenable-techblog/reversing-the-rachio3-smart-sprinkler-controller-ae7fc06aab9 Description: Reversing the Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controller. ' ╔═╗┬ ┬┌┐┌ ' ╠╣ │ ││││ ' ╚ └─┘┘└┘ ' Spare time? URL: https://evolt.org/node/564 Description: Napster A New Killer Internet App. URL: https://github.com/linuxthor/uul Description: ELF binary that runs on several different *nix flavours. URL: https://alexhude.github.io/2019/01/24/hacking-leica-m240.html Description: How to Hack an Expensive Camera and Not Get Killed by Your Wife. ' ╔═╗┬─┐┌─┐┌┬┐┬┌┬┐┌─┐ ' ║ ├┬┘├┤ │││ │ └─┐ ' ╚═╝┴└─└─┘─┴┘┴ ┴ └─┘ ' Content Helpers (0x) 52656e61746f20526f64726967756573202d204073696d7073306e202d20687474703a2f2f706174686f6e70726f6a6563742e636f6d https://pathonproject.com/zb/?10ece153c2ff2960#mIZLUS+yAKVypqHjVs8jui1Xxxhcorcav/fgPpTTAEE=