Next: , Up: Continuation-Passing Style   [Contents][Index] An Introduction to CPS

Consider the following Scheme expression:

  (display "The sum of 32 and 10 is: ")
  (display 42)

Let us identify all of the sub-expressions in this expression, annotating them with unique labels:

  (display "The sum of 32 and 10 is: ")
  |k1      k2
  (display 42)
  |k4      k5

Each of these labels identifies a point in a program. One label may be the continuation of another label. For example, the continuation of k7 is k6. This is because after evaluating the value of newline, performed by the expression labelled k7, we continue to apply it in k6.

Which expression has k0 as its continuation? It is either the expression labelled k1 or the expression labelled k2. Scheme does not have a fixed order of evaluation of arguments, though it does guarantee that they are evaluated in some order. Unlike general Scheme, continuation-passing style makes evaluation order explicit. In Guile, this choice is made by the higher-level language compilers.

Let us assume a left-to-right evaluation order. In that case the continuation of k1 is k2, and the continuation of k2 is k0.

With this example established, we are ready to give an example of CPS in Scheme:

(lambda (ktail)
  (let ((k1 (lambda ()
              (let ((k2 (lambda (proc)
                          (let ((k0 (lambda (arg0)
                                      (proc k4 arg0))))
                            (k0 "The sum of 32 and 10 is: ")))))
                (k2 display))))
        (k4 (lambda _
              (let ((k5 (lambda (proc)
                          (let ((k3 (lambda (arg0)
                                      (proc k7 arg0))))
                            (k3 42)))))
                (k5 display))))
        (k7 (lambda _
              (let ((k6 (lambda (proc)
                          (proc ktail))))
                (k6 newline)))))

Holy code explosion, Batman! What’s with all the lambdas? Indeed, CPS is by nature much more verbose than “direct-style” intermediate languages like Tree-IL. At the same time, CPS is simpler than full Scheme, because it makes things more explicit.

In the original program, the expression labelled k0 is in effect context. Any values it returns are ignored. In Scheme, this fact is implicit. In CPS, we can see it explicitly by noting that its continuation, k4, takes any number of values and ignores them. Compare this to k2, which takes a single value; in this way we can say that k1 is in a “value” context. Likewise k6 is in tail context with respect to the expression as a whole, because its continuation is the tail continuation, ktail. CPS makes these details manifest, and gives them names.

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